Chinese embroidery on silk dating from the 19th century or earlier is an exquisite work of art. Although I have been doing needlework all my life from the age of five, I am so often amazed by the intricacy, delicacy and variety of stitches used in antique Chinese embroidery. Shown above is a beautiful pair of silk pillows featuring exquisite antique Chinese silk embroidery dating from the late 18th/early 19th century - a time when hand done needlework was at its finest. This is some of the most intricate embroidery I have ever seen with some stitches that defy definition. It would be hard enough to find a single embroidery of this quality but to find a pair is very rare.The embroidery is hand stitched to deep grayish sage green double weight corded silk with double borders of 19th century trim. The same silk fabric is on the back.
I was so pleased yesterday to discover a new source of exquisite Chinese embroidery being currently produced and presented by Mulan Silk Art. I had to look twice to make sure it wasn't a painting of birch trees, but the images are created with thousands of tiny stitches. It takes hundreds of hours to produce an image and they are breathtaking. It is wonderful to learn that this amazing skill is still flourishing.